Message From The Chairman

Message from the Chairman

Bangladesh is currently charging ahead into mainstream pharmaceutical markets around the world with many companies taking their operations worldwide. It is a well accepted fact that to grow and prosper, Bangladeshi companies will have to re-think the current business models and move to more global, innovation led growth. That is what we are attempting to build.

In Bangladesh, we are working towards retaining and growing our position of market leadership in key therapy areas with strong prescription driven sales. We will continue to make considerable investments in product innovation to strengthen our pipeline of affordable niche products for Bangladesh and international markets.

Our international markets for pharmaceutical products now include several emerging country markets in Asia, Africa and South America. We expect the international component of our pharmaceutical business to grow significantly in width and depth in the years come.

With our robust and extensive sales & distribution network coupled with our established company equity with customers, we would be an excellent partner for a company seeking to license out products across Bangladesh and other markets we operate in.

Looking ahead we are determined to achieve our goal of becoming a force in affordable, niche healthcare solutions. And to do this we will continue to capitalise and build on the unique fundamentals of our group values, people and products by encouraging innovation, entrepreneurship and growth.

Mrs. Ferdousi Akhter